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Child Support Modifications

In these tough economic times, it is not uncommon for a former spouse to have difficulty making alimony and child support payments, especially if he or she has lost his or her job. In addition, a change in job status may also make it necessary to obtain a modification of a child custody order due to relocation.

Regardless of the situation, our Monmouth County firm can help clients secure modifications regarding:

  • Alimony: Either the spouse paying alimony or the spouse receiving alimony may petition the court for a modification of alimony payments. However, the party seeking the modification must demonstrate a substantial change in circumstances.
  • Child support: It is possible to modify a child support order. In making its decision, the court will always place the best interests of the child first. Several factors will be carefully examined, including the needs of the child and the financial circumstances of each parent.
  • Child custody and visitation: Modifications of custodial and visitation arrangements are often necessary as the needs of both children and parents change over time. Modification requests can be brought about by either parent, who must then demonstrate a substantial change in circumstances. The primary concern of the court in these matters is the best interests of the children.

Deitch & Perone, P.C., is here to help you through these tough times.