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What are some common parenting plan pain points?

On Behalf of | Dec 7, 2020 | Child Custody

As you prepare for your divorce, you, like many people, may gloss over the details that will go into your parenting plan. You may think that your plan will include little more than a custody schedule. Yet, there are many other pain points that you must consider. These are three common ones that you will need to account for.

Scheduling special occasions

Likely, you and your spouse both have strong feelings about where your children will spend special occasions. When working out your parenting plan, you must be willing to compromise on these. If one of you wants your children on a certain holiday, for instance, it may make sense to give a different holiday to the other in exchange. And if one of you has your birthday or vacation time during the other’s scheduled custody, it may be necessary to make accommodations for these events. By keeping your parenting plan flexible – within reason – you will give your children opportunities to spend special occasions with both of you.

Managing communication

Some divorced couples can discuss parenting matters directly without losing their cool. Yet, others have a tense relationship and rely on co-parenting apps or other digital means – like email or text – to communicate with each other. No matter how you and your spouse decide to communicate, you will want to document these methods in your parenting plan. You will also want to create a plan for how you will resolve any disputes that may arise between you two. In doing so, you will have a course of action for keeping your interactions planned and civil.

Coordinating exchanges

Without clear parameters in place, custody exchanges can quickly turn heated. Yet, you can avoid this outcome by detailing in your parenting plan when your exchanges will occur, where they will happen and how they will proceed. You will also want to account for how you will handle any scheduling changes that arise, such as delays in drop-offs or pickups. By leaving no room for chance, you can reduce the odds of conflict occurring during these times.

A good parenting plan includes far more than a custody schedule. With the help of a family law attorney, you can make sure yours is comprehensive, workable and sound.

