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What happens when co-parents disagree about vaccines?

On Behalf of | Dec 21, 2024 | Child Custody

There’s been a growing controversy in the United States between people who believe that childhood vaccinations are a wonderful thing and those who believe that they’re actually the cause of many common disorders, including autism and immunological problems.
What happens when unmarried or divorced co-parents disagree about whether or not to give their child certain vaccinations? Whether it’s the MMR (mumps, measles and rubella) or the annual flu shot, some parents are adamant that their children should receive every vaccination they can – and others are equally adamant that they believe vaccines are a threat to their child’s health.

When there’s no middle ground, you have to look to the law

In general, most co-parents tend to have shared physical and legal custody of their children. Physical custody determines where the child lives and when they see the other parent for visitation. Legal custody is the right of a parent to make major decisions that will affect the child’s life – possibly far into the future. This can include things like which religion they will follow and what medical care they will receive.
Many of the disputes between co-parents have some kind of compromise that can be reached. For example, parents of different religions may agree to expose their children to both faiths until they reach an age where they can make a conscious choice about what path to follow.
However, the issue of whether to “jab or not to jab” – because of the long-term consequences for the children’s health – doesn’t have any kind of middle ground that can be reached. When both parents are resolute about their beliefs, it is time to turn to the court.
With legal guidance, you can make a compelling argument for your position and ask the court to award you full legal custody so that you – and you alone – can make these important calls for your children.

